Agr_1251 Table In Sap

Vb6 decompiler download. 1. How to create the user group in SAP system?
Ans :

User group can be created by performing the below steps:

AGR1251 is a SAP table coming under BC module and SAPBASIS component.View details, Fields & related tables of AGR1251. Table description: Authorization data for the activity group Module: BC-SEC-AUT-PFC. Hi All, Using ECC 5.0. When uploading a role from one dev system to another a custom object does not appear in the role (Through PFCG) but when I check the same role in AGR1251 the object is there with all the expected field values? Tables to join: USERADDR, AGRUSERS, AGR1251 - Filtered with object 'stcode'. SAP table AGR1251 containts all the TCODE in object 'stcode' which is more accurate than using table AGRTCODES that only contains TCODE in the roles menu. ” Internal Table DATA: ltroles TYPE TABLE OF ltyroles, ltagr1251 TYPE TABLE OF agr1251, lsagr1251 TYPE agr1251, ltlog TYPE TABLE OF ltylog, lslog TYPE ltylog. ” Selecting the Roles Assigned to the User SELECT agrname FROM agrusers INTO TABLE ltroles. Details of SAP AGR1252 table & its fields. Table used for Organizational elements for authorizations.AGR1252 table is coming under BC and BC-SEC-AUT-PFC module. SAP Stack SAP FICO SAP HR SAP MM SAP SD SAP PM SAP PS SAP ABAP SAP NetWeaver SAP Tables SAP Tcodes ☰MENU.

  • Execute the t-code SUGR
  • Enter the name of user group to be created in the textbox
  • Click on the create the button
  • Enter the description and click on save button

2. How to find the Transport requests containing the specific role?
Ans :

The list of Transport requests containing the specific role can be retrieved by performing below steps:

  • Execute the t-code SE03
  • Double click on option “Search for Objects in requests/Tasks” under node “Objects in Requests” in left panel of screen. This will take us to new screen.
  • In object selection screen, enter the field value as ACGR and check the checkbox present at left side.
  • Enter the role name for which we need the list of transport request.
  • In screen “Request/Task Selection” screen (below section of the same screen), check the status of the requests which we need in the list
  • Click on execute button

3. How to check the transport requests created by other user?

The t-code SE10 provide the option to enter the user name. By using this facility, we can search the transport requests created by other users.

4. How to generate the list of roles having authorization objects with status as “maintained”?

This list can be generated by using the table AGR_1251 as below:

  • Execute the t-code SE16
  • Enter the table name as AGR_1251 and hit enter button
  • Enter the field value as “G” in field “Object Status” and click on execute

The same table can be used to generate the list of roles with authorization objects having status modified and manual with field values M and U respectively.

5. How to find the email ids if given a list of users (say 100)?

The list of email ids for given users can be generated by performing the below steps:

  • Execute the t-code SE16
  • Enter the table name as USR21.
  • Upload the list of users using multiple selection option and execute. This will give us the list of users and their respective person numbers
  • Extract this data to excel sheet
  • Now, go back to SE16 and enter table name ADR6
  • Upload the list of person number extracted from table USR21 and execute
  • Now, table ADR6 will give us the list of person numbers and their email ids.
  • Download the list in excel and perform V-look up in excel to map the email ids of users with their SAP IDs

Agr_1251 Table Sap

6. How to find user defined, system default values for security parameters?
Ans :

The values for parameters can be checked by using the t-code RSPFPAR. After executing the t-code, given the parameter name and click on execute.

7. How to assign the logical system to client?
Ans :

Logical system can be assigned to client by using the t-code SCC4. We need to be very careful while doing this change as it can affect the CUA (if configured).

8. Which entities are not distributed while distributing the authorization data from master role to derived roles?

During the distribution of authorization data from master role to derived roles, Organizational values and user assignment are not distributed. The Org. values and user assignments are specific to individual roles hence has no bearing on master-derived role relationship.

9. How to assign the multiple roles to more than 20 users in one shot in t-code SU10?
Ans :

To perform this mass role assignment, we need to follow below steps in SU10:

  • In SU10 home screen, click on the button “Authorization Data”
  • This will take to the new screen similar to screen in t-code SUIM -> User by complex search criteria. Enter the search criteria for users needed to be changed in SU10 and execute the same
  • Once the list of users is reflected, click on “select all” button on left top corner of the list and click on “Transfer” button. This will take us back to SU10 screen with all the selected users in users
  • Now, click on select all button in SU10 home screen and then click on change button.
  • Above step will take us to the next screen where you can perform the role assignment as in normal case of SU10 t-code

Agr_1251 Table In Sap Sql

10. What is the use of SU25 t-code?

The t-code SU25 is used to copy the data from tables USOBT and USOBX to tables USOBT_C and USOBX_C. Generally, this t-code needs to be executed after the installation of system upgrade so that the values in customer tables are updated accordingly.

11. What is the use of authorization object S_TABU_LIN?

This authorization object is used to provide the access to tables on row level.

12. What are the authorization groups and how to create them?
Ans :

Authorization groups are the units comprising of tables for common functional area. Generally, each table is assigned to a authorization group due to this reason we need to mention the value of authorization group while restricting the access to table in authorization object S_TABU_DIS.
The authorization group can be created by using the t-code SE54. The assignment of tables to authorization group can be checked by using table TDDAT.

13. What is SOX (Sarbanes Oxley)?

Sarbanes-Oxley is a US law passed in 2002 to strengthen corporate governance and restore investor confidence. Act was sponsored by US Senator Paul Sarbanes and US Representative Michael Oxley.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is legislation enacted in response to the high-profile Enron and WorldCom financial scandals to protect shareholders and the general public from accounting errors and fraudulent practices in the enterprise. Sarbanes-Oxley defines which records are to be stored and for how long. The legislation not only affects the financial side of corporations, but also affects the IT departments whose job it is to store a corporation’s electronic records. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act states that all business records, including electronic records and electronic messages, must be saved for “not less than five years”. The consequences for non-compliance are fines, imprisonment, or both. IT departments are increasingly faced with the challenge of creating and maintaining a corporate records archive in a cost-effective fashion that satisfies the requirements put forth by the legislation.

300 spartans 2006 full movie in hindi dubbed free download filmyzilla. Organizations should be able to guarantee the integrity of some of their operations like PTP or OTC which can have quiet a significant impact on the way the financial statements are projected if not controlled.

Organizations today are thereby moving in direction of automating their softwares for SOX compliance. Windows ultimate activation key 64 bit. A key factor towards achieving SOX compliance is to seperate the duties amongst individuals to such an extent that no one person has the authorization to fulfill a complete cycle say procurement or sales.

Agr_1251 Table In Sap

14. How to create a query in SAP R/3 system?

The query can be created and executed using the t-code SQVI:

  • Execute the t-code SQVI.
  • Enter the name of query to be created and click on create button.
  • Enter the Title and comments for query and select the data source such as table or table join.
  • Select the preferred view as Basis Mode or Layout Mode and click on continue button.
  • Above step will take us to the new screen, add the respective table on which we need to create a query.
  • If Data source is selected as table join, select the respective tables as needed and joining fields.
  • Save and come to main screen. Here, you need to select the fields to be displayed in output and their sequence.

The query can be created and executed using the t-code SQVI.

15. What is the use of ST01? What are the return codes of t-code ST01

Transaction code ST01 is used to trace the user authorizations. This can be useful if we need to check which all the authorizations have been checked in background when any t-code is being executed by the business user.

Below are the return codes of ST01 :

  • 0 – Authorization check passed
  • 1 – No Authorization
  • 2 – Too many parameters for authorization check
  • 3 – Object not contained in user buffer
  • 4 – No profile contained in user buffer
  • 6 – Authorization check incorrect
  • 7,8,9 – Invalid user buffer

I need to find the authorization field values for a user. I am proceeding as follows:
Select values from table AGR_1251 but in the field values i.e. for BUKRS LOW and HIGH fields has values '$BUKRS'.
Can you tell me that which table will have the actual values for BUKRS as assigned in PFCG (1000, 2000, 3000).

Agr_1251 Table In Sap Table

Try to fetch the details from table AGR_1252 .
you will get the low and high values assigned to the organization level.

Similar Messages

  • Hi all,
    We generated analysis authorizations for users on Profit centers. In RSECADMIN for each user we see an automatic authorization object being assigned with a name like RSR_000234 so on. We can see the values (profit centers) for this object when we double click on it. I would like to create a list of all users and the assigned profit centers. Can you please tell me if a table is available to get this list.

    We are loading authorizations values to 0PROFIT_CTR from ECC and flatfile into the Authorization DSO's and generating authorizations to assing the profit centers to users. I would like to see the profit centers assigned to a user. For example suppose if a user is assigned a particular region. I would like to see all the values of the profit centers assigned to the user from a table rather than going to the hierarchy and getting the list for each region.
    The tables that you specified give the userid and the technical name of the authorization(RSR_000234.) but I would like to see the actual values in the authorization.
    Hope I am clear. Thank you for your assistance.

  • Hi there,
    I know that table AGR_1251 contains authorization data for SAP Roles. USR tables contain authorization definitions for access and UST tables contain data for SUIM reporting. The USR and UST tables that concern me are USR12 and UST12.
    I have a couple of questions about these tables (AGR_1251, UST12 and USR12):
    1) it seemed that these three tables were kept in sync when I created new roles and generated profiles for those roles. But when I checked other roles that were already there when the system was installed, the data for those role are not in sync. Is there a way to bring data for those role in sync for these three tables?
    2) In table AGR_1251, when the value for the 'LOW' field starts with '$', it indicates a variable and the actual value for that field needs to be found in table AGR_1252. When I checked the same field in table UST12, it seemed that the value were already resolved. Could I depend on this?
    Thanks in advance

    > 1) it seemed that these three tables were kept in sync when I created new roles and generated profiles for those roles. But when I checked other roles that were already there when the system was installed, the data for those role are not in sync. Is there a way to bring data for those role in sync for these three tables?
    --> regenerate the profile shall do. If usr12 and ust12 are not in synch, run FM susr_synch_user_tables with option TABLETYPE=X
    > 2) In table AGR_1251, when the value for the 'LOW' field starts with '$', it indicates a variable and the actual value for that field needs to be found in table AGR_1252. When I checked the same field in table UST12, it seemed that the value were already resolved. Could I depend on this?
    USR/UST12 are populated upon generating the profile! So the agr_12-data is put into usr/ust* tables then.
    b.rgds, Bernhard

  • Hi,
    Is there a way to extract specific authorization values for a particular user?
    In SUIM, using 'Users by Complex Selection Criteria' will display all the authorization & values. You then need to find that particular authorization, say 'P_ORGIN' and go through each one of them to find the values assigned. It is very tedious if the user have a lot of the 'P_ORGIN' authorization assigned.
    I think in this case, SUIM is not the best way.
    Is there a way to quickly zoom into and look at all the values in just that particular authorization, in this case, 'P_ORGIN'?

    If your focus is on HR authroizations one of the ways :
    SE16 - table name AGR_USERS
    The technical name will provide the assignment coming from organizational management.
    Take just those roles :
    use SE16 - AGR_1251
    Which will give you an output export to excel filter on P_origin.
    If you are not using Organizational management:
    Then use SE16 - AGR_1251 find roles having P-origin
    get the role list and use AGR_USERS to find role to user relationship.

  • Hello,
    I want a report which displays the user names and their release codes from the authorizations which the users have.
    Is there any standard report?
    Thank you.

    Dear Landra,
    There is no standard report to get this data. But you can get this by combining the data of the 2 tables AGR_1251 & AGR_USERS.
    1. Goto SE16 --> table AGR_1251. Give Z* for Role, M_EINK_FRG for Object & FRGCO for Field Name and run it.
    2. Goto SE16 --> table AGR_USERS. Give Z* for Role and execute it.
    Vlookup both the reports in step 1 & 2 to get the list of users having access to a particular Release Code in the system.

  • Hi there,
    I have created an authorisation object with eight fields. The fields control which parts of my application are accessible to the user. (Each field is one category, each category has several subcategories).
    What I want to do is the following:
    There shall be a custom authorization dialog, wherein the system administrator can configure the access of the application for a specific user.
    In plain text: I want to develop an interface which makes it possible to assign authorisation objects with specific values to a user or to an already existing role.
    Is there any functionality, that allows me to perform this assignment and regenerate the users profile?
    I already discovered, that the table UST12 contains the connection between the authorization profile of a role and an authorization object, as well as the assigned values. Anyhow, just to write new values to that table has no affect to the authorization when calling 'authority-check object' in an ABAP report.
    Does anyone know, whether there are standard functions in the ERP System, that support the changing of authorization objects and the regeneration of roles?
    Thank you very much,
    Edited by: Gregor Bender on Mar 11, 2008 8:41 AM

    Gregor Bender wrote:
    > I already discovered, that the table UST12 contains the connection between the authorization profile of a role and an authorization object, as well as the assigned values.
    Nope, sorry, it's not the connection but only one of the many.. Roles and profiles are stored in quite a lot of different tables so manipulating one table directly will hardly ever get you the desired situation. It may even lead to problems due to inconsistencies.
    For mass regenerating profiles there's transaction SUPC.
    For manipulating the contents of roles/profiles have a look at scripting with SECATT or LSMW in combination with PFCG.
    If you want to write code to add objects to roles you have to look at least in tables AGR_1250, AG_1251 and AGR_1252. The UST* tables are updated when generating profiles and/or comparing users.

  • Hi frnds,
    I want to give an authorization to a custom table. I have created a new authorization group and assigned a role and user for it.
    I had done a coding to check the authorization in Maintenance generator program.
    data : w_tddat like tddat,
    viewname type tabname value 'ZTSD_IB_TRMAP',
    select single * from tddat into w_tddat where tabname = viewname.
    if sy-subrc <> 0 or w_tddat-cclass = space.
    w_tddat-cclass = '&NC&'. ' 'non classified table'
    authority-check object 'S_TABU_DIS' 'check by class
    id 'ACTVT' field '02'
    id 'DICBERCLS' field w_tddat-cclass.
    if sy-subrc <> 0. 'not allowed
    authority-check object 'S_TABU_DIS' 'check by class
    id 'ACTVT' field '03'
    id 'DICBERCLS' field w_tddat-cclass.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    fupd = space.
    fshow = 'X'.
    act_level = '03'.
    p_action = 'S'.
    message w106(tb) with viewname.'only show allowed
    message e107(tb) with viewname.'no upd auth
    endif. 'sy-subrc from 2nd auth_check
    else. 'act_level <> 02
    message e105(tb) with viewname . 'no show auth
    But the problem is on debugging even for the unauthorized user the authorization check coding:
    authority-check object 'S_TABU_DIS' 'check by class
    id 'ACTVT' field '02'
    id 'DICBERCLS' field w_tddat-cclass.
    gives sy-subrc = 0.
    What is the problem with the coding.
    Also can an one explain me about
    fupd = space.
    fshow = 'X'.
    act_level = '03'.
    p_action = 'S'.
    and what are the datatypes to be given for it on data declaration.
    Thanks in Advance

    neethu wrote:
    > I have created a Z table and I need to create and assign an Authorization group to the table. The requirement is like, say, if there are 10 users who belong to this particluar Authorization group, then 5 users should be given display and change authorization. And the remaining 5 users should be given only display authorization & no change authorization.
    Assuming users are accessing the table content using SM30 (or SM30 parameterised transaction) you can use authority object S_TABU_DIS to control change mode. User who are suppose to change content should have authority object S_TABU_DIS with following values in their role.
    ACTVT = 02
    for display only
    ACTVT = 03
    Where AUTH_RP is authorization group assigned to table
    Edited by: Pawan Kesari on Aug 9, 2010 4:17 PM

  • Hi Experts,
    Need your help . In one program Iam using SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE bapi .
    i/p for my report is am excel.
    excel is having below formatt.
    To create salesdoc we are using SD_SALESDOC_CREATE bapi.
    but After execution of the program we are unable to find the ZZFV_SBCNT (which is custom field) in VBKD w.r.t salesdocument.
    Need your help what we need to do to reflect the value in vbkd table.
    Here temp will contains the data from excel
    FORM f_move_header_data .
    wg_header-doc_type = wg_temp-auart . 'Order type
    wg_header-sales_org = wg_temp-vkorg . 'Sales Organization
    wg_header-distr_chan = wg_temp-vtweg . 'Distribution Channel
    wg_header-division = wg_temp-spart. 'Division
    wg_header-sales_off = wg_temp-vkbur . 'Sales Office
    wg_header-sales_grp = wg_temp-vkgrp . 'Sales Group
    wg_header-purch_no_c = wg_temp-bstnk . 'Customer purchase order number
    wg_header-pymt_meth = wg_temp-zlsch . 'Payment Method
    wg_header-zzychan_role = wg_temp-zzychan_role_i. 'Channel Role
    wg_header-zzysub_role = wg_temp-zzysub_role . 'Submitter Role
    wg_header-zzy_inv_for_opt = wg_temp-zzinv_format . 'Invoice Format Optio
    wg_header-ord_reason = wg_temp-augru . 'Order Reason Code
    wg_header-bill_block = wg_temp-faksp. 'Billing Block
    wg_headerx-doc_type = c_set . 'Order type
    wg_headerx-sales_org = c_set . 'Sales Organization
    wg_headerx-distr_chan = c_set . 'Distribution Channel
    wg_headerx-division = c_set. 'Division
    wg_headerx-sales_off = c_set . 'Sales Office
    wg_headerx-sales_grp = c_set . 'Sales Group
    wg_headerx-purch_no_c = c_set . 'Customer purchase order number
    wg_headerx-pymt_meth = c_set . 'Payment Method
    wg_headerx-zzychan_role = c_set. 'Channel Role
    wg_headerx-zzysub_role = c_set . 'Submitter Role
    wg_headerx-zzy_inv_for_opt = c_set . 'Invoice Format Option
    wg_headerx-ord_reason = c_set . 'Order Reason Code
    wg_headerx-bill_block = c_set. 'Billing Block
    FORM f_move_item_data .
    wg_item-itm_number = g_itmnumber. 'Item number
    wg_item-material = wg_process-matnr . 'Material
    wg_item-target_qty = wg_process-target_qty. 'Targeted Qty
    wg_item-item_categ = wg_process-pstyv. 'Sales document item category
    wg_item-zzylegal_i = wg_process-zzlegal. 'Legal Contract
    **********Added this line for vbkd-ZZFV_SBCNT****************************
    wg_item-zzfv_sbcnt = wg_process-zzfv_sbcnt.
    APPEND wg_item TO i_item.
    wg_itemx-material = c_set . 'Material
    wg_itemx-target_qty = c_set. 'Targeted Qty
    wg_itemx-item_categ = c_set. 'Sales document item category
    wg_itemx-zzylegal_i = c_set. 'Legal Contract
    wg_itemx-zzsteady_date = c_set . 'Amortization Start Date
    wg_itemx-zzsteady_end_dat = c_set. 'Amortization Stop Date
    **********Added this line for vbkd-ZZFV_SBCNT****************************
    wg_itemx-ZZFV_SBCNt = c_set. '
    APPEND wg_itemx TO i_itemx.
    CLEAR : wg_itemx.
    FORM f_move_head_ext
    wg_extension-structure = c_ext_vbak.
    wg_ext_vbak-zzinv_format = wg_temp-zzinv_format.
    wg_ext_vbak-zzychan_role = wg_temp-zzychan_role_i.
    wg_ext_vbak-zzysub_role = wg_temp-zzysub_role.
    wg_extension+30 = wg_ext_vbak.
    APPEND wg_extension to i_extension.
    CLEAR wg_extension.
    wg_extensionx-structure = c_ext_vbakx.
    wg_ext_vbakx-zzinv_format = c_set.
    wg_ext_vbakx-zzlegal = c_set.
    wg_ext_vbakx-zzychan_role = c_set.
    wg_ext_vbakx-zzysub_role = c_set.
    wg_extensionx+30 = wg_ext_vbakx.
    APPEND wg_extensionx TO i_extensionx.
    CLEAR wg_extensionx.
    *& Form F_MOVE_ITEM_EXT
    * Item Extension
    FORM f_move_item_ext .
    * Structure for BAPI parameter Extension
    wg_extension-structure = c_ext_vbap.
    wg_ext_vbap-posnr = g_itmnumber.
    wg_ext_vbap-zzsteady_date = wg_process-zzsteady_date . 'Amortization Start Date
    wg_ext_vbap-zzsteady_end_dat = wg_process-zzsteady_end_dat. 'Amortization Stop Date
    wg_ext_vbap-zzlegal = wg_process-zzlegal. 'Legal Contract
    wg_extension+30 = wg_ext_vbap.
    APPEND wg_extension to i_extension.
    * Structure for BAPI parameter Extension - Update Indicator Fields
    wg_extensionx-structure = c_ext_vbapx.
    wg_ext_vbapx-posnr = g_itmnumber.
    wg_ext_vbapx-zzsteady_date = c_set .
    wg_ext_vbapx-zzsteady_end_dat = c_set.
    * wg_ext_vbapx-zzlegal = c_set.
    *wg_process-zzfv_sbcnt = c_set.
    wg_extensionx+30 = wg_ext_vbapx.
    APPEND wg_extensionx TO i_extensionx.
    CLEAR wg_extensionx.
    and bapi calling is like below.
    sales_header_in = wg_header
    sales_header_inx = wg_headerx
    logic_switch = wg_logic_switch
    business_object = fp_bus_obj
    status_buffer_refresh = 'X'
    salesdocument_ex = g_sorder
    return = i_return
    sales_items_in = i_item
    sales_items_inx = i_itemx
    sales_partners = i_partner
    sales_conditions_in = i_cond
    sales_conditions_inx = i_condx
    sales_text = i_text
    extensionin = i_extension
    extensionex = i_extensionx.
    still we are not getting ZZFV_SBCNT value in VBKD table w.r.t created salesdoc(g_sorder)
    Please help me from this issue.
    Thank You.

    Please let me know how to add custom fields in the characteristic list, My clients wants department and profit center grouping.
    Please tell me how to solve it.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Hello All,
    Here is my authorization issue :
    We have set up an authorization on infoobject Zapplication. End user is allowed to choose 'HR' only.
    In Rsecadmin, infoObject Zapplication is restricted to 'HR'
    Then, this authorization object has been assigned to end user.
    This user go to a specific table to select an application and a date.
    When user display the possible value he only see 'HR'. Which means our authorization is correct.
    However, this user can enter another value such as 'SD'. This value does exist in infoObject Zapplication. So, it means that there is an issue with our authorizations settings.
    We have added a control table, it's even worse in this case, authorization are not checked at all and all available values are displayed.
    Any idea to prevent the user to entered a value within this table ?
    Why our authorization does not check the value entered directly in the table ?
    Thanks &

    For info we manged to restrict acces on this table by using event table from table maintenance and we have combined it with a specific authorisation object.

  • Hello Experts,
    i've got a problem by searching all users who have the authority for a transaction.
    The transaction was written in a parameter, called p_trans.
    I've the Tables AGR_1251, AGR_AGRS and AGR_USERS.
    I know what I've to do.
    Here is my Join.
    SELECT agru~uname
    FROM agr_1251 as ag12
    INNER JOIN agr_agrs as agrs
    ON ag12~agr_name = agrs~child_agr
    INNER JOIN agr_users as agru
    ON agrs~agr_name = agru~agr_name
    INNER JOIN usr01 as us
    ON agru~uname = us~bname
    WHERE ag12~object = 'S_TCODE' AND
    ag12~field = 'TCD' AND
    ???? parameter p_trans between ag~low and ag~high????
    SELECT agru~uname
    APPENDING TABLE gt_users
    FROM agr_1251 as ag12
    INNER JOIN agr_agrs as agrs
    ON ag12~agr_name = agrs~child_agr
    INNER JOIN agr_users as agru
    ON agrs~child_agr = agru~agr_name
    INNER JOIN usr01 as us
    ON agru~uname = us~bname
    WHERE ag12~object = 'S_TCODE' AND
    ag12~field = 'TCD' AND
    ???? parameter p_trans between ag~low and ag~high????
    SORT gt_users BY uname ASCENDING.
    Here is my question:
    In my code are question i want to say, that my transaction lays between the fields LOW and HIGH.
    But how can i say, that in WHERE.
    I have to say.. Search that agr_name, where object = s_tcode, field=tcd and where my transaction lies between.
    For example: low is T and high is X and i have the transaction va21.
    So i must find out, in which range lays ma transaction.
    I hope somebody understands me

    Hi Marcel,
    You are mentioning it as a parameter between having low & high values. Is it a parameter or select option.
    If its a parameter, then anyway it will have only single value at any point of time.
    If its a select option, then you need to use
    select * from
    and tcode in s_tcode.
    Best regards,

  • Can some one tell me the SAP USERS ROLE TABLE
    I Will assign point to any input.
    Balance Roll forward
    Change Vendor Line Items
    Change Parked Vendor Document
    Change/ Reverse Vendor Invoice
    Check Processing
    Clear Accounts Payable Items
    Display A/P Balance & Items
    Display Checks
    Display Vendor Documents
    Display A/P Master Data
    Display Parked Vendor Documents
    Account Payable Interest Calculation
    A/P Invoice Entry
    A/P Accounting Key Reports
    Manual Payment
    Payments Using Bill of Exchange Display
    Payment Run Parameters
    Create and Process Payment Run Proposal
    Accounts payable period closing
    Post Parked Vendor Document
    Maintenance of Accounts Payable Master Data
    Process Withholding Tax

    go to t code PFCG
    Search for roles with SAP_FI_AP*
    You could always create your own role.
    In the Menu tab add the t codes you have specified.
    You will then need to add the authorization objects in the authorization tabs.
    For the t codes you have I guess it would take an hour max.

  • i have created a table maintenance and I have authorization object and the field for it which will take some values this i got from basis people . Then how to add authorization checks to the table maintenance.

    U can try to use the event, after generating table maintenance program:
    Enviroment->Modification->Events: the events 05/18 could be good for you

  • Hello Experts,
    we are running on CRM 5.0. we have created 3 roles 'Prospect', 'Customer', 'Employe'.
    In our case we want 'Customer' and 'Employe' role to be in display only, user shoud not edit the details. Prospect can be created or edited.
    What we did we put authorization on role Customer and Employe 'DISPLAY'
    This authorization is working in GUI but in PCUI, user still able to edit the details of Customer and Employe.
    Please guide me how i can achive this authorization check on roles ???
    Amit Saini

    Hi Amit,
    How is that done? We tried using Authorization and Spro table but when we make address Display Only it only applies to SAP GUI and doesnt carry over to the portal.
    Is there a way to add PCUI field groups to the BP role dataset and then make it a Display only? If you could please give me details on how you accomplish it I would really appreciate it.
    Thank you,

  • The scenario is; there is a single client but two different companies.
    We are planning to develop a separate Basis Administration roles for each company.
    To restrict Organizational levels (Company code, controlling area..) I use 'S_USER_VAL' Authorization object. it works fine with org. levels but I have to define all possible Field Names along with their Authorization values and it seems very difficult.
    Is it possible 'S_USER_VAL' works according to the values I maintained but for rest of other values it may goes to * ?. In other word it should not by pass the maintained values.

    Jurjen Heeck wrote:>
    >.. something else to make a part of SAP_ALL not work?
    2 ideas:
    - If the regeneration of SAP_ALL could check that the user running it does not have any SAP_ALL authorizations? Meaning, they would need to know exactly which non-SAP role authorizations (their technical names) have that authority in it. Many folks who only work with SAP_ALL don't know how to do that
    - If there were some way to isolate the program parts which are required to change SCC4 such that they can only be run with root priveleges, then you do not need to give your SAP system (with SAP_ALL) root access..?
    Disclaimer: Just ideas! Complete overkill!!
    => Does restricting the user's access sound like a much easier idea now?

  • Hi Experts ,
    Can you please suggest on authorization issue , if observed that one Tcode not given in to any roles or profile but some user still using this authorization.
    When I checked role and profile for such user using the SUIM still it shows no data.
    So is there any other way to assign direct Tcode without using any role or profile.
    Thanks in advance .

    not sure how you are using SUIM to check, just to be sure, use the complex selection method or the authorization values method. the by transaction method only check for transactions that were added via the menu.
    look for object= S_TCODE, value=(the transaction code)
    SUIM will then calculate if the transaction code was added manually and as part of a wild card or a range.
    i.e. if the transaction was MM02 it will be accessible if the S_TCODE had
    wild card value M*, MM*, MM0* or
    range value A*-Z*
    Otherwise, it is possible that it was called indirectly and the BADI does not perform a S_TCODE check.

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