- Free Software for NMR data processing Bruker Topspin Bruker TopSpin (NMR data processing software, from Bruker, requires registration. Runs on Windows, Linux and MAC.) This is the program I recommend using for most general NMR data processing.
- Installation Guide For Bruker’s Topspin 4.x The NMR Service, Dept. Chemistry, Cambridge University March 26, 2020 This document attempts to guide the user through the intricacies and options of installing Topspin software. This is a work in progress; please let me know if you have any additions or corrections to make. Duncan, djh35@cam.ac.uk.
Processing of UW Chemistry NMR Data. The PC in room 37 Bagley Hall runs Bruker's latest software Topspin that is compatible with all the NMR software versions running on the spectrometers in the facility. Data from different spectrometers can be downloaded here and processed and the results can be exported via email from within Topspin. TopSpin is the most over-rated NMR software around and the cause is just that people are so blind and lazy like you. They don't evaluate the alternatives. At 2:40 PM, Anonymous said.
There are four options.
#1) MestreNova
The University of Kansas has a campus-wide license for MestreNova software. Download the latest version from the MestreLabs website. Install the software and contact Justin or Sarah via email for the license file. Follow the onscreen instructions for activating the license file. The license file can also be activated using the 'help' menu.
MestreNova is powerful software. For help getting started see MestreLabs resources and/or our guide to NMR data processing using MestreNova (PDF).
#2) Bruker Topspin
Bruker offers its software free to academia. Register for an account and download the software from the Bruker website.
Topspin Nmr software, free download
ACD only runs natively on Windows. The NMR data processor is now freeware (for academic users) and can be downloaded directly from ACD labs.
Topspin Nmr Administration Password
#4) SpinWorks
Topspin Free Download
SpinWorks is freeware developed by Kirt Marat at the University of Manitoba. It is free ('as in beer'), but only runs natively on Windows. Executables can be download from U of M NMR lab website.